One of the most important cornerstones of our childhood was probably sharing. As adults though, we know better than to share certain things. Maybe you know that it’s unsafe to share earphones, nail clippers, and earbuds. However, some things in the list of items you shouldn’t share may include items you may have never considered before.


Sounds innocent, right? Well, maybe not exactly.

It’s time to take Sharing Harmful Infectious Toiletries (S.H.I.T.) seriously when using public restrooms, especially in today’s environment.

Every day, millions of Americans who use the public toilet are grossed out by the thought of having to sit on germ-infested toilet seats as they deposit their waste. It’s crazy how time and again, we continue to expose ourselves to these toilets’ knowing well how filthy they are.

But, have you ever thought about toilet splatter?

When you flush the toilet, microscopic particles of pee, poop, and any other thing inside the toilet get scattered into the air around the toilet, and then it settles on the environment around.  And while cleaning your bathroom, do you disinfect the toilet tissue? Does the public restroom janitor wipe down the toilet paper? These questions may seem odd, but think about it, toilet paper is the closest and in direct line of fire of everyone’s fecal matter splatter.

Toilet splatter carries all kinds of bacteria. Studies have shown that the bacteria from toilet splatter can survive for days on the tissue rolls, the flusher, and even the toilet seats. It becomes even more uncomfortable when you don’t know the last time the toilet was cleaned or who has just come from using the toilet before you.

Other places with high bacteria around the toilet include:

  • Faucets
  • Stall doors
  • Walls close to the corners
  • The toilet paper roll.
  • Door handles; not to gross you out but up to 95% of people don’t wash their hands properly. Door handles are germ-infested, to say the least.

That’s some S.H.I.T. for your azz.  By the way, Sharing Harmful Infectious Tissue is S.H.I.T.  Now I know what you’re thinking I’ve been sharing S.H.I.T. for years and nothing ever happens to me, which could be true. Remember that episode of Pink Eye?

But keep in mind the fact that we are talking about public restrooms. For one, these public restrooms are not only small, but they also lack proper ventilation. These are conditions well known to be breeding grounds for diseases that are transmitted via fecal matter. With the fecal matter deposited on toiletries that are shared, the likelihood of disease transmission is multiplied tenfold.

What about that ear infection that caught you or your loved one-off guard or that time you were sniffling but hadn’t been around anyone with a cold? Well, those could be the signs and results of S.H.I.T. This is the simplest proof that the use of unsanitary toiletries in an unsafe manner can result in disease transmission.

Toilet tissue that’s contaminated by splatter matter can’t be safe for use around eyes, noses, and ears. Using contaminated toiletries could increase medical expenses in the long run.

We must rethink how and why we keep Sharing Harmful Infectious Toiletries (S.H.I.T.) when all it does is expose us to disease-causing micro-organisms. You may only just be hearing about S.H.I.T. but trust me you have encountered it countless times. All this sounds gross and you are probably thinking about soaking yourself in disinfectant for the rest of your life.

Fortunately, S.H.I.T. is not a death sentence.

We want you to reduce the risk of using splatter matter items when using any restroom.  At home or when visiting loved one’s bathrooms always close the toilet lid before flushing the toilet. In public restrooms, there are usually multiple toilets with no lids, so we’re limited on how to deal with this situation.

Toilet tissue dispensers with covers that are mounted below the toilet bowl are more sanitary because of the flush protector.  In most public restrooms the toilet paper dispensers are mounted far above the toilet bowl with a large opening easily accessible for a splatter matter invasion. The mega rolls of contaminated toilet paper are left for public use, so please use it for its only purpose, not to blow your nose.

But your best option is to bring your toiletries when traveling.  Please review this wiki page, especially part 2 questions & answers section:

Use-a-Public-Restroom. Ultimately to make sure that fresh clean restroom toiletries are available for you to avoid S.H.I.T. carry your own. The Restroom Kit is the product that helps you evade splatter matter. It is a compact all-in-one kit providing the four most essential items needed when using an inadequate  supplied and unsanitary restroom.

What is included in the kit?

  • PATENTED OVERSIZED TOILET SEAT COVER Fully protecting the user’s bottom from bacteria found on certain restroom surfaces
  • 3 FEET OF 3 PLY TOILET PAPER for convenience and peace of mind adding a personal touch. You can also cover your hand with toilet paper to hold the handle as you flush the toilet.
  • Individually wrapped lightly scented HAND WIPE that cleans and sanitizes; lightly scented TUSH WIPE that gives comfort and confidence where you need it. You can also use wipes to clean out germs that could be on certain areas that would be inevitable to avoid such as door handles or the toilet faucet.
  • No need to Sharing Harmful Infectious Tissue when traveling locally or abroad.

Visit to find out more about the #1 travel restroom aid on the market today.

The spirit of “sharing is caring” isn’t always helpful. At least not with toiletries and personal items. For your sake and that of your loved ones, avoid sharing toiletries. Avoid using tissue and soap available to everyone in public restrooms.

In today’s environment schools are aligning to reopen across the United States, more people are returning to their places of employment, and venues of entertainment are preparing to open for business. That means public restrooms will be back to full occupancy and more splatter matter will take place increasing the possibility of Sharing Harmful Infectious Toiletries, awww S.H.I.T.

Please remember The Restroom Kit is available to you.

Being forewarned keeps you forearmed.

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